Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pig Tails

Sophia came home from school yesterday with her hair in Pig Tails. I walked in the door and just about died at how big it made her look. Know I will need to talk to her teacher to see how she got Sophia to sit still for her to put them in.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Aidan (5), Aine (3), Devin(8), Regan (2 1/2), Sophia (2)
Sophia in ABSOLUTE heaven with her jelly beans

Trying to decide if she should keep looking for Easter eggs or play on the neighbors swing set?

In search of the Easter Eggs

Sophia is TWO

The first picture is Sophia enjoying her birthday doughnut for lunch! Yes, I know I am the coolest mom, letting my daughter have a doughnut for lunch. Sophia also enjoyed opening her presents. Sweets and Gifts she loves them just as much as her daddy does on his birthday.

Fun with bubbles