Thursday, January 29, 2009

Helping mommy make brownies!

Sophia helped me make brownies yesterday. I know I am only suppose to post one picture a day but seriously, how was I suppose to choose? The first picture was taken after she had sampled the chocolate beater. The look on her face is priceless.

Bath Time

Sophia LOVES bath time! She didn't like the first day of swimming lessons last Saturday but she LOVES bath time. Now if we can just get her to think the pool is just a big bath tub she should be fine.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sophia where is your baby brother?

We will ask Sophia "Where is your baby brother?" Sometimes she will point to her belly, sometimes she will point to my belly, and sometimes we are able to capture the sweet moment when Sophia wants to 'cuggie' (her word for cuddle). Hope she is this sweet once the little boy invades her world!

Making a pretend meal with Papa Mac

Sophia had the opportunity to play with Papa Mac on Sunday. After Sunday school and a wonderful brunch, Sophia thought it was necessary to show Papa Mac how to use her microwave. I think Papa was surprised at how well Sophia new her little kitchen.

27 weeks

At least every other day I tell Josh, we really need to get some pictures of my belly, and we never do. So I decided to place myself in front of a mirror and start snapping away. Well, this is one of the pics I felt I could post. 27 weeks and counting til we meet our amazing little boy.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Snuggle time with Daddy

A sweet moment I just had to catch with my camera. Daddy and his little girl snuggling together. Nothing melts my heart quite like this scene. Josh you are such an amazing daddy to our little girl.

A change in my routine

Most days if you find me in a kid's clothing store you would look for me in the girls section shopping for Sophia. Today was the first day I bought clothes for our yet to be born son. It was different I must say. But when I got home and laid out all the clothes I purchased I have to say I was excited to see my son in these outfits.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sophia's new boyfriend

Today Sophia got to hang out with her newest boyfriend, Jack Ryan. There was alot of cuddling going on. Poor Jack had to put up with Sophia trying to impress him with her latest words and tricks. Not sure who Sophia was trying to impress more Jack or his mom Liz. So much fun hanging out with such special people.

Snack Time

Nothing like a little banana bread and milk for a mid-morning snack! If only the days of snacks and naps followed us into adulthood.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Advantage of being a grown up

When I was young I remember these were one of my mom's favorite cookies. It was an unspoken rule that when they were in the cupboard we were not suppose to eat them. Well, today as I pulled them out of MY pantry and MY daughter asked for one. I said "No these are for mommy" I had to smile and laugh thinking about how I felt and realizing I had made my mom feel the same way. This post is dedicated to you mom.
Books, books and more books. I am convinced Sophia would let us read to her ALL day long. This is just a sample of some of the books Josh and I have the privilege of reading to Sophia each day.

Day 1

Here is the first picture of what hopefully will turn out to be 365 pictures. This is how Sophia had breakfast yesterday morning. Yummy yogurt, Bananas, and Milk but most important is who she shared it with, her Gramma Tae and Papa Mac.

In the beginning......

I read about the idea of taking a picture everyday for a year. These pictures are suppose to represent your everyday life. The idea said to scrapbook or blog these pictures. Well my days of scrapbooking are very limited so I thought I would try the blog idea. So here is the beginning of my attempt to give you all a glimpse into the everyday life of the McCaffrey family. Hope you enjoy.